Sunday, August 19, 2012

Rejected at Menorca

Menorca (also spelled Minorca) is a small island 45 miles east of Mallorca with a population of 100,000.  We were excited about visiting this island which is known for it's well-preserved megalithic stone monuments dating back to prehistoric times and fortifications from the middle ages.  We were also looking forward to tasting their famous gin.  But, the guide books were also correct in predicting that this was not any easy island to visit.  We circled for about an hour in a beautiful bay at the base of the fort, but were told by harbor patrol that there was no where we could anchor.  So... we took a couple pictures and headed for Sardinia where we were much more kindly recieved.

Peter was struck the previous day by food poisoning from eating a tapas of raw seafood for lunch. he slept for 40 out of 48 hours and did not care that we were not allowed to stay in Menorca.  

Entrance to Menorca


Fort View

Another fort view

Harbor view

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