Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Halifax - Whitehead Harbor

We decided not to cruise too far from Halifax and after a short twelve hours pulled into a small bay near Whitehead Harbor where were to spend two nights. The anchorage was beautiful but the small town was not much to write home about. If you are ever passing that way don't blink because even at 10 knots you will miss it. 

The Andrea Cay at anchorage near Whitehead harbor
Approaching Whitehead Harbor.
Now some have started to think that this was just some kind of a pleasure cruise and that onboard discipline was suffering.  Thus a day of stack cleaning and boat washing was ordered. Everyone was on deck bright and early to begin the arduous task of cleaning the boat after it had been covered in soot from our exhausts as we left Halifax. This requires a significant amount of washing to accomplish.  While most of the crew were engaged with this John, Mike and Neil tackled the even less inspiring task of cleaning the stacks. Picture chimney sweep meets large yacht with some strange John Erickson engineering.  

Peter and Ed get scrubbing.
Mike, John being very helpful as Neil does the hard yards.
All of this work took most of the day but there was some time for some people to take a tender ride over to the small nearby village while Neil went hiking and snorkeling and Ed searched in vain for mussels.

Lori and Neil develop a new alcohol based cleaning solution: The more you drink the less dirt you see. 
After our second night in this beautiful location we were once again off and heading further north to the Bras D’ Or lakes. 

Another peaceful night at anchorage.

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