Thursday, August 16, 2012

Ibiza - Like Daytona Beach on Steroids

We left Malaga on Monday morning and cruised to Ibiza (a 36 hour trip with one very easy night at sea).  We anchored off the Daytona Beach spring-break side of the island, rather than the more well-know  upscale resort side of Ibiza.  It was quite entertaining as far as people watching goes.  We've never seen so many tattooed bodies (particularly men with tattoos all over them) and skimpily clad women.  The beaches here in August make Jersey shore beaches look empty.  You can't even find a place to put a chair.  I have to admit I am a beach snob, after experiencing so many gorgeous, uninhabited, white-sand  beaches in the Bahamas. 

There are night clubs for every day of the week and they start getting crowds at 1 am and don't close until 7 am. Needless to say we did not make it for the club scene. No one arrives to the beach till late morning due to all night partying and you would never believe Spain is experiencing economic woes since the clubs cost 60 euros cover charge and that only includes one drink!

We did have an excellent dinner at an outdoor cafe that night and enjoyed some of the local cuisine. The next day we had an 8 hour run to Mallorca. We're here for 3 days and it is a very cool island. Check back in tomorrow for details and pictures!

                                                       Out islands approaching Ibiza                                

                                                   Beach in late morning without crowds


                                        Crowded beach late afternoon - lots of topless women but
                                        we were too discreet taking pictures

Goofy boat with slide

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