Sunday, August 19, 2012

Eating, Drinking and Shopping in Mallorca

Thanks to a good friend, Elliot Jacobson, who grew up here in Mallorca, we have had a wonderful few days on this island.  Elliot gave us advice on where to anchor, the best towns to visit and where to eat, which included the most well-known bars to the “local’s” favorite restaurant.  He even told us what we should eat:  the local snails which were delicious, and  small, green peppers seasoned and grilled (we dubbed them "Russian Roulette peppers", as most were mild but every now and then, you'd get a really hot one, which led to excessive wine drinking...)

Palma is a lovely, old historic town with very narrow streets and beautiful old buildings, including a cathedral that was even larger than the one we visited in Malaga.  Our frustration was that the day we went into the city was a religious holiday, so it was packed with tourists and many of the restaurants and shops were closed.  Of course that was not a concern for Peter and John, but Carol and I were disappointed that all the really nice stores were closed.  (The junky souvenir shops were all open, naturally.)

We braved the crowds one afternoon and tendered to a beach where we were quite lucky to find about 6 sq. ft. to park ourselves under the umbrella we brought.  Carol got in a good run around the town and the rest of us did some swimming.

Before leaving Mallorca, we managed to find a supermarket that rivaled US grocery stores.  Good place for our first major re-stocking since we left Florida a month ago.  Prices were less than in the US, which we could hardly believe.  John had a great time with a local guy helping him pick out Spanish wines (couldn’t find one more than 10 EU – most were 4-5 EU).  John, who usually refuses to even go to a grocery store, was extremely proud of his 4 cases for 300 EU.  It was good we were able to stock up – the “crossing crew” decimated the on board supply!  According to Lori, they also consumed 14 lbs of butter!!

                                                 Entry point to old city of Palma

                                                                     Streets of Palma

                                                                   Cathedral in Palma

                                                      We arrived as service was ending

                                                           Inside of Cathedral in Palma

                                              John and Peter enjoying shopping (but not)

                                            Famous Bosc Bar - hangout for local artists

                                                  Lovely ladies in front of ancient olive tree

                                                     Sangria tasting with giant straws

                Church of St. Francisco for those who think this was just a drinking excursion

Afternoon boat ride before naps

                                                    Dinner with local snails and peppers

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