Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Underway... Naples to Gibraltar

This blog brought to you by Shaz:

As soon as Roy and Jane arrived on Tuesday 13th November, it was a quick departure from Naples to Gibraltar.

The initial passage was not as smooth as we had hoped, due to winds and seas, especially on the western side of Sardinia. If we were running 12 hours later we would have run into headwinds off Palma. Very glad we missed that! Even so, with some unsettled weather around Gibraltar we arrived to loads of cargo ships; and the fanfare of lightning, rain and squalls and finally finished eveything on arrival in the early hours of Sunday morning.

We saw a few dolphins underway and the ones at night off Spain, lit by phosphorescence “torpedoing” their way towards the yacht, were spectacular to see.

Sunday was spent provisioning for the next leg and waiting on fuel which didn’t arrive until Monday morning, finally allowing us to depart in the early afternoon for the next leg across the Atlantic.

We had a good exit from the Gibraltar traffic channel, luckily managing to get a quick break allowing us to cross.
19,000 gallons of fuel later...

...Roy and Joc find it's time for a well-deserved beer!!!


  1. Nice to get the news from the passage!
    Wishing you a safe passage as in the next week or so,there are two low pressure systems traveling your way over the N. Atlantic.
    I'll be thinking of you!

  2. I can see you have reached the Antilles...
    Hopefully the crossing was not too hard with the bad weather over the Atlantic.
    Tell us how it went!
