Sunday, September 16, 2012

The Journey Continues

It’s time to pay the fiddler… as consideration for the trip thus far, I have been assigned blog duty for today.  This is Cindy by the way.  I’m taking time off my busy schedule of reading, sun bathing, eating/drinking (which has morphed into a combined event), touring, and in general just living the HIGH LIFE.   So far Greece ranks right up there with winning the lottery and getting your first big raise.  Amazing weather, crystal blue water, scenery that gets better from one day to the next.  And this all set against a backdrop of amazing historical significance.

We spent a day touring the ruins on Delos.  Nancy has covered this in a prior blog.  Very meaningful to consider we were walking the same streets as people thousands of years prior.   After returning to the boat, we were awarded a little beach time by Captain Johnny.  SOME OF US even braved the slightly cold Mediterranean water for a swim.  The much needed beach fix was our first, and hopefully not our last.   A fantastic dinner was cooked by Shaz (female chef extraordinaire/lovelier-looking half of new crew team…)  After a few competitive rounds of “Speed Scrabble” (which is like Banagrams with scoring) we were off to bed.  (Positive correlation between alcohol consumed and creative word usage.)

By the way, our first two nights included boat alarms that went off at various times in the middle of the night.   I got up the first night, reviewed the computer screens on the bridge, and determined we were not sinking.   We decided that if in the future there were middle-of-the-night alarms, but there was no water on the floor, we would just ignore it and go back to sleep. 

Yesterday was spent in Mykonos.  Euros flew out of wallets for mandatory shopping purchases, scooter rides, mid-day meals and beverages of choice (guess…)   We toured this charming island at the right time for perfect weather and minimal other pesky tourists.   Andy pointed out that all of the buildings in Greece are white, unless they are under construction (and sadly usually abandoned.)  The town is very quaint, with blue shutters and doors, white steps, white paint around the stone streets, even white stairs.  The streets were purposefully narrow to help the residents fight off invaders (and now to confuse shoppers.)   We rented one scooter (2 wheels) and one ATV (4 wheels) and took turns cruising around the island. The slightly less coordinated riders were assigned the training wheel (ATV) vehicle.   We roughed it through a self prepared taco dinner (crew night off!)  then went back into town and closed down the discos. I think we got back to the boat around 4 AM.  (anybody believe this last part..?)

We continued our journey south today and are anchored near Paros.  Decided to add spelunking to our list of chores for the day.  Tendered in and then toured a cool cave on Antiparos, the island next to Paros.  (The Greeks have cleverly named their islands so that you have no prayer of remembering, pronouncing, or spelling them.)  Of course we felt obligated to do our part to help the Greek economy by shopping a little more and making the mandatory lunch/beverage stop.  Tom Hanks owns a home on Antiparos.  Judy told the cab driver he was expecting us but no amount of Euros would convince her.  Back on the boat for dinner, winds seem to be picking up a little tonight and we are off to Santorini tomorrow. 

The country is beautiful; it has FAR EXCEEDED my expectations and we still have so much to see.  The residents are lovely but they do all talk about the condition of Greece, what will solve it, what are the hurdles.  Amazing parallels to our country in some ways.  There is NO TV on the boat so we have been spared the political barrage that’s become normal right now in the US.  News is sporadic and comes/goes with the internet.  Captain Johnny has been forced to exceed his bed time on more than one occasion as he struggles to FIX the internet problem, participating in soul searching and heartfelt conversations with some poor tech support employee in the US who no doubt is applying for a transfer OUT of his job as I type.

All in all a wonderful trip thus far.  Each day seems to exceed the prior which does not seem possible. 

                            Cindy and Andy hike to the top of Delos

                                                 The famous windmills of Mykonos


                      Typical narrow, steep residential street of Mykonos

                You'd never know this guy has a huge Ducati he rides at home!

                                        Off to the races!

                                 The town mascot of Mykonos

                              The caves at Antiparos (45 million BC)

                                       411 steps to the bottom

                               Sightseeing at the top of Antiparos

                                    Shopping in Antiparos

                                    And... more shopping...

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