Saturday, September 29, 2012

Signing off... (for a few weeks)

Sandy, Andy, Jeff, Judy, Cindy, John and I are all suffering from culture shock, having been back in the real world now for almost a week.  After one afternoon and evening in Athens, we  agreed that we much preferred the peaceful beauty and friendly, laid-back atmosphere of the Greek Isles.  Clearly showing the strain of Greece’s current economic disaster, this historic old city is showing signs of it’s crumbling infrastructure – there is trash and graffiti  everywhere, the once beautiful parks are barren, and many of the famous historical sights are poorly maintained.

Our very brief visit was hindered by what we were told was a “festival” in the historic part of the city, which was completely closed for the day to all traffic, including taxis and buses.  It was very difficult to get around to see the main sights and museums we had hoped to visit.  We believe the “festival” was most likely a precursor to the violent protests that unfolded in the very same area the day after we left.

I want to let any loyal blog-followers know that you will not be hearing from us for a few weeks. We shall return to the Andrea Cay around October 10th and work our way from Greece up to Montenegro and Croatia for our next adventure!


  1. Excellent story... the perfect "easy-adventure" one would love to part take!.
    Looks also like the perfect *active retirement* lifetime! (wink!)
    Looking forward to the next episodes.

  2. Noticed that the Andrea Cay is on the move the Koilahjia region in the Argolic Gulf.
    Hopefully the weather will allow you a safe cruise!
