Saturday, July 28, 2012

Leg Two: Newport to Halifax

With the first week of cruising safely under our belts we departed Newport and continued past Martha’s Vineyard north towards Halifax our next destination. If we thought that the conditions from the first leg of the voyage had been good we were in for a pleasant surprise on this second leg as the weather and sea conditions were simply unbeatable. Hopefully the weather gods will continue to look favorably upon us.

The start of another good day at sea.

John and Peter at the helm.
We spent some time in the first evening cleaning the lobsters we had picked up in Newport and then enjoyed a superb lobster feast.

Harold, Ed, John and Peter get to grips with preparing lobsters
There was much excitement about the lobsters.
The final product.
In addition to the good weather the further north we progressed the more sea and bird life we encountered, including, humpback and pilot whales, common dolphins an endless array of sea birds and a massive Sunfish which has to rank as one of the more bizarre ocean creatures. It is the biggest boney fish in the ocean and can weigh up to as much as 2200lbs.

One of the many whales we saw. 
Another beautiful sunset in perfect conditions
After two days of easy cruising we entered into Canadian waters and the Halifax harbor in Nova Scotia.

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